I have a fondness for braided rugs. Growing up in a traditional, rural home with lots of country accents, my parents had several braided rugs in various rooms and I felt like they were the obvious choice for area rugs. My brother and sister and I used to play right on the braided rug in the kitchen, using the center area as the location for a play house and barn, and the concentric ovals as the roads and fields. We raced many a car on those “roads”!
I especially love variegated chenille or wool braided rugs for their softness and their subtle color blends. Chenille braided rugs create a lighthearted feeling and can be placed in all sorts of settings – sunrooms, family rooms, kitchens, bathrooms – and all sorts of climates. A pastel, light yellow or light green chenille braided rug can look perfect in a sunny tropical interior or a cool coastal setting, and a vibrant red/brown/beige chenille rug warms things up and looks great in a wintry climate. Soft chenille braided rugs look really great in kids’ rooms or nurseries, too.
The wonderful color combinations found in braided rugs always amaze and inspire me.